Trying to stay in shape as a 30 something-year-old woman is heartbreaking. I swear it sometimes feels like if I eat 1 cookie, my clothes no longer fit. I think back to my 20’s when I ate everything, and I did not work out as often as I could have, but I was super thin with rock hard abs. Back then I could workout for 2 weeks and have my ideal body. Fast forward to today, and in order to maintain abs, and stay the size I want to be, I must workout at minimum 4 times per week. The struggle is so real! But, we all have to start somewhere, so I created a list of workouts for beginners, but they can also be done by more intermediate level folks as well.

Workouts for Beginners – Finding What Works For You

Then, there is the other part, actually getting yourself to start working out. I have a very masochistic way of keeping myself motivated to workout. I follow loads and loads of fitness gurus, and whenever I think I want to have a snack, I check my IG feed, for motivation to look like a snack instead of eating one.

This may not work for everyone, and I most certainly do not suggest that we compare ourselves to each other, or to anyone else for that matter. This is just something that keeps me motivated, and on track to achieve my body goals.

What does work is planning. Thinking about the goals you want to achieve, coming up with a plan to achieve said goals, and committing to a workout schedule.

So how do you start working out?

First, you have to want to do it. Not for anyone other than yourself, not because of any societal norms, or imposed ideals of what we are supposed to do or look like, but for you, and only you. Find your idea of fit, and work towards that.

Everyone is not meant to be a size 2, and that is ok

It is very easy to find an excuse to not start working out. You work late; you don’t have a gym membership, you don’t have the proper equipment.

These are all excuses. So Step 1 is getting out of your own head just doing it.

This post is geared toward workouts for beginners who have maybe been away from the gym for awhile or are looking to start working out for the first time.

I want you to know that you can do this, and you do not need to have every piece of fancy equipment or even a gym membership to start working towards your body goals.

All you need is the motivation to start, and a dedicated 30 minutes to complete your workouts. I promise you will not regret starting.

The benefits of working out

  • Enhances your overall mood
  • Aids in preventing serious illnesses like heart disease
  • Builds muscle and keeps you healthy and fit

The plan

If you have taken a break from working out, I recommend starting with low-impact exercises. You do not want to shock your body or hurt yourself by jumping into an intense routine.

The best part about the workouts I am sharing here is that you do not need a gym membership to do them. You can do them from the comfort of your home until you begin to develop your routine or decide you want to venture out and get a gym membership.

Things to keep in mind when you start working out

  • Be sure to keep yourself hydrated
  • If you find that a workout is too much for you, slow down and go at your own pace
  • Remember, working out does not have to be a chore – keep it fun!
  • Listen to your favorite music and celebrate with a mini dance party when you complete your workout

What You’ll Need to Get Started

  • Comfortable workout shoes
  • A towel
  • A thick exercise mat ( see below for my pick)
  • A water bottle ( see below for my pick)
  • A sturdy chair

Because I want to make sure you are ready to start your routine without any hiccups, I highly recommend  you consult with your doctor before you begin any new exercise regimens.

One week of beginner exercises for women

I wanted to make sure that all of these exercises were not too intense, so I tried each of them before suggesting them to you.

Day One

I like this workout because it is a full body workout, and the video shows modifications for those who may not be quite ready to do the full versions of each exercise. This is a great core workout because the key to a healthy body is a strong core.

Day Two

This is a great no equipment needed workout option, it is low impact and truly focused on the beginner.

Day Three

This a super quick, but impactful arm workout, and the best part is that you do not need any equipment other than your mat. The other bonus is that you will not be required to do push-ups. Even though I am not a newbie to working out, I do not love push-ups.

Day Four

Another quick workout that can be done with no equipment to start toning up your abs and core. These exercises are also beneficial for those who experience back pain due to lack of core strength.

Day Five

A full body low – impact workout for beginners that you can go along with. I like this video because it shows a full tutorial on how to do each exercise with modifications based on your level of fitness.

Day Six

A leg workout that does not require any equipment and uses your body weight to lean and tone your legs. No squats or lunges! Grab your chair and get ready!

Day Seven 

Rest Day! Celebrate your win, go outside and take a walk, and do a happy dance because you did it!

I hope you enjoy this workout plan. Do not forget to take your time and go at your own pace until you find what works best for you. As the weeks go by, it will get easier to complete the workouts, and introduce new ones into your regimen.

*Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. If you click the product link and make a purchase, I may receive a small commission which helps me cover the expenses for this blog, and keep serving you with fresh content.

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