How to Clean Bathroom Tiles [8 Steps]

Tile is the most common and one of the best materials that you can have in your bathroom. For the most part, tile is pretty easy to clean, and its durability allows it to last for several years before needing to be replaced. Whether you have stone, porcelain, or ceramic tile, keeping it clean will definitely help your bathroom maintain its appearance and ensure the longevity of your tiled walls and floors. In this post, we will cover a few ways to clean your bathroom tiles.

You can clean all the tiles in your bathroom using the following steps:

  1. Apply stain remover to tiles walls
  2. Apply a cleaning solution to tile walls
  3. Rinse/dry the wall tiles with a damp cloth
  4. Sweep the floors
  5. Apply stain remover to tile floors
  6. Mop floor tiles with floor cleaner
  7. Mop floor tiles with a damp mop to remove cleaner residue
  8. Allow the floor to dry for 15 to 20 minutes

While this may seem like a few steps, it actually makes for a fairly simple process. If you are doing a deep clean for your bathroom, it’s best to first clean the shower or wall tiles before cleaning the floor to avoid any potential slips or falls.


How to Clean Bathroom Tiles

The interior of a simple, modern bathroom in a , cool, blue-gray tone. There is a sink, mirror,bath and shower, a hand towel holder. There are dark rectangular tiles on the wall, and lighter gray tiles on the floor

Tools you’ll need:

  • 2 Microfiber cloths
  • Stiff-bristled brush
  • Commercial cleaner (or homemade cleaner)
  • Stain Remover
  • Bleach
  • 5-gallon bucket
  • Cleaning sponge
  • Cleaning gloves
  • Toothbrush
  • Wet Mop
  • Broom
  • Dust Mop

Apply stain remover to tiles walls

First, apply your stain remover to the tiles on the wall so that inmates start working on any stubborn stains right away. If you have a homemade solution (i.e., vinegar, baking soda, etc.), it’s probably best to have this already mixed before you begin cleaning the bathroom. Let the stain remover sit on the tiles for 5-20 minutes, depending on the type of stain remover you have. When you noticed that the stains are beginning to break up, use your brush to help eliminate them.

Check out this baking soda set on Amazon! 

Apply a cleaning solution to tile walls

After you have applied your stain remover, you can spray down the tile walls with your cleaning solution (or you can apply it to your cloth/sponge). Use your damp cloth or sponge to wipe down all the tiles starting at the top left and work your way to the right and bottom until you have covered all of the wall surfaces.

Rinse/dry the wall tiles with a damp cloth

Once the walls are clean, rinse off your cloth with warm water and wipe down the walls in the same direction in which you cleaned them. Next, take a dry microfiber cloth and wipe down the walls again. They don’t need to be completely dry, just enough to remove any beaded water from them.

Sweep the floors

Now it’s time to start on the floors. If your tile floors are particularly dusty, you may want to use a dust mop before sweeping them with the broom (this will help minimize the amount of dust that gets caught up in the broom’s bristles). Next, use your broom to sweep the floor, paying special attention to the area behind the toilet and on the sides of the sink (note: If you have marble tile, be sure to use a soft broom).

Check out this broom on Amazon!

Apply stain remover to tile floors

Next, quickly scan the floor for any visible stains on the surface of the tile or grout. If you notice any, apply your stain remover solution just as you did with the wall tiles earlier. Allow the solution to sit as needed to lift the stains (anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes). If needed, take your stiff bristle brush and help break up the stains for quicker removal. If the stains remain visible, repeat the process until they are completely gone.

Check out this stiff-bristled cleaning brush set on Amazon! 

Quick cleaning tip:

Before cleaning your bathroom tiles, it’s always best to first open up any windows and all the bathroom doors to ensure that the area is completely and well-ventilated, as many household cleaners can contain strong fumes–it will also help the bathroom to dry out faster.

Mop floor tiles with floor cleaner

After you have removed all of the stains on the floor, pour your forward cleaning solution into your 5-gallon bucket, add warm water, and use your mop to go over the floor. When mopping bathrooms, it’s always best to start at the area farthest away from the door and work your way backward so as not to step on the clean floors. Go over the floor a second time if needed. Next, rinse out the water in your bucket and replace it with fresh warm water. Then go over the floor again to rinse off the cleaning solution. You can let the floors air-dry or use a dry mop to remove any remaining water.

Check out this floor cleaner on Amazon!

Mop floor tiles with a damp mop to remove cleaner residue

Rinse the floor with clean, warm water after you’re done washing it. It is important to remove all residual soap from the tiles, so it doesn’t remain on the floor to attract and hold dirt.

Check out this mop on Amazon!

Allow the floor to dry for 15 to 20 minutes

It’s best to let the tiles try for 15 to 20 minutes before allowing traffic to prevent any potential slips and falls. It also gives the tile time to air out before you place any mats or rugs on top of them (placing them on wet tiles can cause mold and mildew to develop).

How do you clean bathroom tiles naturally?

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), lemon, vinegar and salt

Who says that you need to use commercial cleaners to clean your tiles? There are a few ways to keep your tiles clean using everyday household products. Let’s take a look at a couple of the most common ones.


Vinegar is known to work magic on bathroom tiles; it’s especially effective at removing stubborn soap scum. To use it, mix it with one part water (1:1 ratio) and add it to a spray bottle. Next, spray the solution onto the bathroom tiles, and be sure to spray it directly into the grout as well. Then, let it sit on the tile anywhere from 10 to 15 minutes. After, use a stiff bristle brush to clean the tiles and the grout and rinse them with warm or hot water. (Note: If you hate the smell of vinegar, be sure to open the windows, and it will dissipate within 5 to 10 minutes).

Baking Soda

Baking soda has always been used in household cleaning, ever since its invention in 1846. Not only is it effective with getting rid of hard water and calcium stains, but it is also an effective odor remover. The easiest way to use baking soda to clean your bathroom tiles is to create a paste.

1. To do this, combine three parts of baking soda with one part of water and add it to a bowl.

2. Next, use a spoon or stirrer to work the mixture into a thick paste.

3. Apply the paste to any stubborn stains on your shower tiles and let it sit anywhere from 20 to 40 minutes to penetrate the surface. Then, take a stiff bristle brush and work the mixture into the tile to lift the stain, which should have already lightened up (if it hasn’t, re-apply the paste as necessary).

4.Wipe the paste off with a damp rag or sponge, and be sure to remove it completely, or you will get a light film on the surface of the tile.

5. Buff the tile with a dry microfiber cloth, and you should be good to go.

How do I get my bathroom tiles to shine?

If you noticed that your shower tiles are no longer shining but instead are covered in a film of soap scum or appear grimy, there is an easy way to restore their shine. Let’s look at how.

  1. Grab a spray bottle of vinegar and water in equal proportions. Next, spray the solution generously on your tiles and let it sit for about 10 minutes.
  2. Turn on the hot water to your shower and let it run for about 7 to 10 minutes–the steam from the shower will help break up soap scum, making it easier to remove.
  3. Next, use a damp cloth or a sponge to wipe down the tile. Then, rinse off the cloth and go over the tile again to remove the vinegar. It may also be helpful to grab an everyday drinking cup to help rinse off the tile if your shower head isn’t removable.
  4. Use a microfiber cloth to wipe any pooled water off of the tile.

Check out this microfiber cloth on Amazon!

5. Use a spoon to scoop out the car wax and apply it to your damp sponge (or an unused car wax applicator). Work the wax into the tiles in a circular motion, starting at the top left of the wall (on the left side of the door) and working your way around the bathroom. After the wax dries (typically in 10-20 minutes), use a fresh microfiber cloth or a clean rag to buff it out of the tile. Be sure to remove any traces of the residue, and you will notice your tile shining as if it’s brand new.

Check out this car wax on Amazon!

How do I get my bathroom tiles white again?

The best way to get your tiles white again is to either use a commercial oxygenated bleach product, such as Tilex or CLR, or you can consider natural solutions such as vinegar, baking soda, or bleach. If your tile has mildew, calcium, or rust stains, you’ll typically need to let the stain remover (be it commercial or homemade) sit on the tile anywhere from 10 to 40 minutes, depending on the stain. You can also use stiff bristle brushes or toothbrushes to help work the stain remover into the tile to lift the stain and restore the whiteness to your tiles.

How do you clean tile grout?

Tile grout can be cleaned using any tile grout cleaner or making your own homemade cleaner with hydrogen peroxide and baking soda (1:2 ratio). Combine the ingredients into a paste and apply it to the grout. Let it sit anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes, and then use a toothbrush to scrub away any stains.

Check out this tile grout cleaner on Amazon!

Wrapping Things Up

To keep your bathroom tiles looking their best, give them a quick cleaning every week.


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