Are you ready for the Zombie Apocalypse? If you’ve never been afraid of zombies, perhaps you should be. You might seriously think about building your own Zombie Fortress. Seriously. Are you truly prepared for the coming Zombie Apocalypse? The CDC (Center for Disease Control) thinks you should be prepared too.
“…There are all kinds of emergencies out there that we can prepare for. Take a zombie apocalypse for example. That’s right, I said z-o-m-b-i-e a-p-o-c-a-l-y-p-s-e. You may laugh now, but when it happens you’ll be happy you read this, and hey, maybe you’ll even learn a thing or two about how to prepare for a real emergency…” – CDC
Wow! Looks like the U.S. government is taking the zombie threat seriously. I thought maybe I should too, so I designed a Zombie Fortress out of steel shipping containers!
Building the ultimate defense against the zombie hordes takes planning, preparation, and firepower. Lots of firepower!
My Zombie Fortress comes complete with four dual 50 caliber gun turrets mounted on four watchtowers that secure the entire 300’x200′ perimeter. 1000 feet of 16-foot tall wall. A huge 11,000+ square foot Container Castle.
The compound is surrounded by multiple levels of anti-zombie security measures.
Added Razor wire and sandbags to the perimeter wall.
The outer perimeter is secured by 16-foot tall steel walls constructed of 48 reinforced steel shipping containers stretching 1000 feet in length around the entire outer perimeter. The lower level of the wall is 8′ feet thick and filled with dirt to provide protection against large hoards of zombies, or the occasional human infiltration attempts, stray bullets, explosives, or breach attempts by large vehicles, and should be adequate protection against armored vehicles such as personnel carriers or even tanks.
[***TOP SECRET: It appears as though there is no way inside the Zombie Fortress complex, but there is. You’ll just have to trust me on that one. No! It’s not tunnels. And even if it were, I wouldn’t tell you. 😉 ***]
There are four 40′ tall steel guard towers, each complete with dual 50 caliber sentry guns capable of wiping out even the largest of zombie hoards.
[***TOP SECRET: In the event large piles of zombie corpses start to pile up and a breach of the wall security is imminent, there are automated countermeasures in place which remove the danger of a perimeter breach by piles of corpses.***]
Beyond the 16-foot tall steel reinforced wall, the interior compound is fortified by a large open expanse of land with no trees, bushes, or shrubbery that can be used to conceal a zombie threat or surprise the inhabitants of the container castle keep.
What castle would be complete without a moat? What? You think I’d be silly enough to fill it with water? Come on!
[***TOP SECRET: I’d tell you what’s in the moat, but I’d have to kill you. Suffice it to say, any zombies that try to traverse this 20-foot wide trench won’t exist anymore.***]
The last and final structure is the Zombie Fortress’s super-sized container castle.
The container castle is fortified by structurally reinforced 14 gauge steel walls and solid steel plating at weak points.
Notice there are no windows on the lower levels. This is to further strengthen the defense against any breach at ground level. There are 4 stories not counting the basement level which cannot be shown here for security reasons. There are two ways in and out of the castle, and it is designed to house all our vehicles. The front and rear gates are also made of steel, and reinforced to withstand the strongest zombie attack.
[***TOP SECRET: There is a countermeasure on each of the front and rear entrances which will deter or completely stop almost any infiltration or direct attack.***]
Container Castle Specifications: (include prices)
- 35 Steel (ISBU) 40′ Shipping Containers $70,000
- 16 Bedroom 8 Bath “Zombie Fortress”
- – 11,200 square feet of livable floor space
- – 3200 square feet of warehouse/courtyard space
- TOTAL SQUARE FT = 14,400
Power System: Combined wind and solar system provides energy in any weather conditions.
- – 12,000 Watt Solar Panel Array (48 500 Watt PV panels) = $20,000
- – 40,000 Watt Quad Vertical Helix Mag-Lev Wind Turbine System = $100,000
Material Costs:
- Design Drawings/Floor Plan = $1000
- Building Permits = $3000
- Foundation = $20,000
- Plumbing = $5000
- Electrical = $5000
- Heating/Cooling/Ducting = $10000
- Carpet (1000 yards) = $5000
- Flooring (bathrooms & kitchen) = $5000
- Drywall/Paneling/Paint = $10,000
- Cabinets/Counters $10000
- Hardware/Toilets/Tubs/Showers = $10000
- Lighting = $10000
- Windows = $25000
- Doors (20) = $5000
- Roofing = $5000
- Landscaping = $2500
- Electrical and Trim Fixtures = $5000
SUB TOTAL = $331,500
Perimeter Wall Specifications:
- 48 Steel (ISBU) 40′ Shipping Containers $96,000
- 1000 foot long
- 16 foot high
- 8 feet thick
TOTAL MATERIALS PRICE: $427,500 (not including labor or sentry guns) 😉

The Zombie Fortress complete with container castle, moat, and perimeter wall, is heavily fortified against hoards of attacking zombies.
This is serious zombie apocalypse defense. It’s not for the faint of heart or those with shallow pockets, but should, in the end, protect a large group of people from the zombie hoards indefinitely.
What is a Zombie Apocalypse?
Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse
Anti-Zombie Fortress