In color theory, complementary colors are directly opposite to each other on the color wheel. Matching colors from the opposite sides of the color wheel can create a vibrant look, while the colors balance each other out.
An example of this is green and purple. Only in theory do these two colors not look good together. These two colors often appear together in nature, in our fruits and vegetables. When paired, purple and green can create a lush feel in a natural, outdoor environment.
Bringing these two hues into your home can deliver the same vibrant feel. Using these colors inside may be intimidating, since they’re both strong colors, but if you know how to balance them, you’ll have no trouble including a green and purple color scheme in your home that won’t overwhelm the eye.
1. Details For Color
Having a full-on green and purple scheme in a single room might be overwhelming, especially if you’re just trying out the colors for the first time. If you’re looking to spruce up your space with a green and purple color scheme but are afraid to go overboard with it, try putting the two colors in the backdrop of a neutral-colored area.
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Take the photo above with the white walls and gray couch. The light colors give way for colors like purple and green to come alive. The designer uses green pillows and a green chair, making the lone purple blanket stand out even when it’s thrown on the side of the gray couch.
This purple blanket is available on Amazon.
2. Muted Colors

Another option you can try for achieving a room with a green and purple color scheme is to have muted versions of those colors. The dark hues are enough to make the room colorful, but because the brightness of the green and purple tones is muted, it also makes the room cozier.
The photo above is an example that uses muted green for the walls and muted purple for the bed. Everything else in the room, such as the lights and blankets, takes on a neutral color. This allows both purple and green to take center stage in the room.
3. Go Dark

A dark, cozy room with deep greens and purples can be classy. You can use another color in the mix to tie the whole room together. This third color should be alongside the green and purple shade that you want.
As an example, the room above has walls that are painted in dark blue, a color considered a neighbor of green and purple. Because of that, the wall naturally blends with the green plants and purple couches around the room. Since the walls and the furniture are rich with color, other details, such as the floor or the window, take a step back with white or wood elements.
4. Picking Pastels

If you’re not a fan of dark rooms, you can lighten it up with pastel hues of green and purple. This can help to create a feeling of sophistication mixed with a bit of whimsy. You can choose to use these colors on their own or add a third color as a backdrop to your pastels.
In the photo above, green and purple pastels are the main color scheme in the kitchen. You’ll notice that there’s a deliberate decision to have the pastel green color on the cabinets and the bottom portion of the table, while the purple hues can be found on the chairs.
5. Play With Shades

A room’s color scheme doesn’t have to concentrate on one or two shades. You can explore and try different shades to make your room more dynamic. You can use different shades of purple and green to alternate in sections of your room so that you have an equal amount of both colors spread out across the space.
You can see this in the photo above, where there are many shades of purple and green all around. While it’s all around the room, it isn’t as chaotic as you would think it would be, as there’s a lot of balance achieved in each element of the room.
Buy these green flower vases on Amazon.
6. Take It Outside

As mentioned, we can find a lot of greens and purples in nature. If you’re planning to have a natural aesthetic in your home, why not make use of your garden and accentuate it there? Place a lot of greenery around the space and turn it into an area where you can chill out with your family and friends. Add a nice purple couch as an accent.
In this photo, the designer used a lot of lush greenery in the garden and gray flooring where the purple couch is placed. The gray table also has a vase holding some purple flowers, which highlights the color even with all the greens.
7. Hints Of Gold

If you want your room to lean into the luxury that purple brings but still put in a green tone to soften that look, you can add furniture that makes use of gold accents. Examples of this would be chairs or table legs. The gold accents will make the deep purple color look more regal, while the lighter green hues around the room will tone it down so it won’t look gaudy.
You can find inspiration in this photo, in the rich purple couch with light green pillows on the backdrop of a gray wall. The gold frames this section of the room quite nicely, with the decorative gold leaf and chair on one end and the gold vase holding the plant on the other end.
Get these gold furniture legs on Amazon.
8. Call Of Nature

Green and purples can work in any room, including the bathroom. A normal bathroom has minimal space, which makes for seemingly lesser space for any creativity. But you can play with the color of your tiles and other details like your towel hangers. Putting a plant in your bathroom can also create a refreshing look.
In this bathroom, for example, the lower half of the walls features a purple tone with its tiles. You’ll also notice that other details, such as the soap holder, are purple. The white and purple tones get their break with the huge plant on the windowsill that gives the bathroom a fresh feel.
9. Trimming To Emphasize

If you want a bolder approach to using green and purple, try using green on your furniture and trimming it in purple. The dark purple will make the color green pop, giving the room a lot of character and spunk.
You can see how this can work in the photo above. The designer decided to use the colors on the chair and cabinet. With a bright hue of green as the main color and a dark purple as the color to trim the furniture, it adds a bit of drama to the room.
Try out this olive green paint for furniture on Amazon.
10. Accentuate

You can use green and purple by designating one as your room’s dominant color and the other as your accent color. Having an accent color can add vibrance to your main color and a modern feel to your room.
Here, the designer uses purple as the main color for the furniture and walls and accentuates it with green. The most interesting aspect of the green accent is that the designer used a decoration that runs across the wall, giving the purple more life and brightening the green hue .
11. Keep It Natural

Bringing it back to the natural aesthetic for the purple and green color scheme, you can always accentuate your room with plants. This can work with a light-colored room to accentuate the vividness of your plants’ colors.
For example, this photo shows a simple bedroom that has a white and light pink combination to make the room bright. Adding a touch of color are the greens and purples, which you can find all around the room, and which give a warm feel to the whole area.
Final Thoughts
Despite their apparent differences, green and purple complement one another, making the two a bold and interesting combination. This color scheme adds uniqueness and character to any area of your home.